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Fake Business Proposal Scams: Barrister Morrise Akika - Mr. Douglas Holbrook in BENIN REPUBLIC and the LATE PRESIDENT OF TOGO

Scam Business Proposals
Example: Barrister Morrise Akika - Mr. Douglas Holbrook in BENIN REPUBLIC and the LATE PRESIDENT OF TOGO

Below is yet another example of a fake business proposal one we received on April 8, 2006. Follow along with us, as we reply and see if we can't scam the scammer! Again, note the many, many misspellings, poor grammar, use of a yahoo email account and the absurd story. Do you really believe that people who have $16 million die without wills and the money ends up "floating around" to be shared with a random foreigner?  Even if that did happen, it is still called money laundering and it is a crime.

There so many,  many obvious signs that this is a scam, we have added a few comments and merely highlighted some of them in yellow, without additional explanation!

Example scam email:

Dear Harish,

It is with trust and believes that I write to you. I am Barrister Morrise Akika a solicitor at law. I am the personal attorney to Mr. Douglas Holbrook national of your country, who used to work with shell development company in BENIN REPUBLIC and as well a one time secret agent in transferring of money overseas for the LATE PRESIDENT OF TOGO .Before the death of my client On the 26 dec.2003 [my client, his wife and their three children were involved in a plane crash which all occupants of the plane died}.for more comfermation visit this website

My client {Douglas Holbrook} deposited this consignment as family belongings the sum of USD16millon in security company here in BENIN REPUBLIC for himself, with the hope of transferring it to his country as soon as he is on leave.

Since his death I have made several enquiries to his embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives this has also proved unsuccessful. After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to trace his name over the Internet, to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist to be the beneficiary of the money that was left behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the SECURITY COMPANY where these Consignment (Money) were Deposited.

Particularly, the Security Company where the deceased Deposited the Consignment valued at about USD16million has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin .

Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives, now I seek your consent to present you as the beneficiary of the deceased, so that the proceeds of this Consignments can be claim by you and then you and me can share the money.20% to you and 70% to me and the other 10% will be for expenses each of us mighty make, I have all necessary legal documents that can be used to back up any claim we may make.

All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this deal through. I guarantee you that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.I need your phone number in other to make easy contact.

Looking forward to see your urgent reply.REPLY ME ON THIS MY PRIVET EMAIL :

Best regards,

