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Have you received an email from "Brian Hunt" at "FLASH FORTUNE LOTTERY CONSULTING" telling you that "your email address won in the second category" or something similar, and to contact "Said Sithole" to collect your winnings? It is a scam. No legitimate, legal lottery notifies winners vian email (see footnote) The scammers may change the names and details, but it is still a scam!
Below is another example of a fake lottery; this email claims to be from the "FLASH FORTUNE LOTTERY CONSULTING".
Although the most important clue is that no legitimate lottery will ever email a winner, there are many other signs that this is a fraud. We have highlighted some of these in the email below, not the least of which are:
Email address ballot: There is no such thing as a "computer ballot system" or "computer email draw". No one, not even Microsoft has a database of email addresses of the type or magnitude they suggest.
Terrible spelling, punctuation, syntax and grammar - Scammers apparently don't know how to use spell checkers. We assume they dropped out of school before that class. They use almost excessive and random CapItaLiZAtion. They often can't even spell "February" or know that "22th" ought to be "22nd". These scammers usually write at the 3rd grade level. Being non-native English speakers, they also often get first names and surnames (last names reversed), so you will frequently see names like "Mr. SMITH JAMES.", instead of "Mr. James Smith", along with the peculiar usage of periods (full stops) and spaces or the lack thereof. Real lotteries also proofread their emails and look and read more professional.
Using free email account: The scammer is writing to you from a FREE email account (Yahoo, Hotmail, Excite, AIM, Gmail, etc.). Don't you think a real organization would use its own email, its own domain and website?
Keep Confidential - Real lotteries THRIVE on publicity - they don't want you to keep anything secret - the publicity causes people to buy more tickets. there is NO risk of "double claiming" because they can validate where the ticket numbers were sold. The scammer want you to keep quiet because they don't want the police or ConsumerFraudreporting to hear about them!
Email notification: NO REAL LOTTERY SENDS AN EMAIL TO NOTIFY WINNERS. Period. Full-stop. End of story. There mere fact ALONE that you received an email saying you won a lottery is proof that it is a scam.
Here is a typical scam lottery winning notification.
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 11:11:43 AM
FLASH FORTUNE LOTTERY CONSULTINGCompany Reg No: 2004/079414/23Universal Building,132-133
Park Hurst,Balfour-Unit 1440
SOUTH AFRICAIN CONJUNCTIONWITHSOUTH AFRICA 2010WORLDCUP LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEEINTERACTIVE 2010 LOTTERY DRAW NOTICEBATCH NUMBER: 13/26DC/36OUR REF: SANL/2001/WCL2010/JHBAnnouncement made on Wednesday the 3rd day Of Nov. 2006 (South Africa Local Time 10:25 am)We happily announce to you the Flash Fortune Lottery Consulting (FFLC) in Conjunction with the Local Organizing Committee of South African 2010 World cup Bid lottery Award International online programs held in Zurich, Switzerland. Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: (B9665 75604546 199) with ! Serial number (97560) Drew the winning number: (6/8/10/19/30/42), and Insurance number (OMIC/FFLC/SANL2010/543/2006) which subsequently on the lottery award in the 2nd category from a computer ballot system drawn in favour of 200 personal and cooperate email address from the entire continent, ranging from Africa, America, Asia, Australia, Canada, Middle East and the rest of the World as part of our Electronic Lottery to uplift the standard level of the 2010 World-Cup Tournament.Your email address have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of US$2,000,000.00 (Two Million United States Dollars) credited to the file Number (KPC/9030108308/03) in this 3nd Category world-wide.Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our lottery booklet representative office in South Africa as indicate in the play coupon. In view of the above, your U.S ($2,000,000.00 Two Million United States Dollars) was insured with Kings Insurance Security Company (pty)LTD for security reasons. Also your claim included with free flight ticket and one month hotel reservation in one of the five star hotel strickly during the 2010 World Cup Tournament.All participants were selected randomly from World Wide Web through computer ballot draw system and extracted from over (100,000,00) companies and individual emails address. The lottery programe took place in Zurich, Switzerland aimed to promote South Africa (2010 world Cup as South Africa is the First African Nations to host the biggest tournament come the year 2010.AGREEMENT:It is hereby agreed by the Interactive Flash Fortune Lottery Consulting (IFFLC) and the local Organizing Committee (LOC) of the 2010 World Cup, that the winning informations written above are the original information as was selected by the electronic system on 3rd Day of May 2006, and it has also been agreed that the winnier whose winning information has been sent to, will be paid his/her winning sum of US$2,000,000.00 without fail.![]()
To file for your claim, please contact your claim agent immediately, you read this message for quick and urgent release of your fund, his conatct information are as follows!!!CONTACT YOUR FIDUCIARY AGENT FOR FOLLOW UP OF YOUR CLAIMMr. Said Sithole.Contact address:27 Edinvel RD, Off Kepton Building,P.o.Box 333 Edinvel TownJohannesburg RSA.TEL: +27 78 588 1015EMAIL: infosithole_agency@yahoo.comFILL AND SUBMIT TO THE FIDUCIARY AGENT FOR FOLLOW UPProvide him with the information below:
3.Marital Status:..................................
9.Telephone Number:...........................
10.Fax Number:....................................11. Winning Number:............................12. Ref Number:...................................13.Serial Number:................................14. Amount Worn:................................15. Batch Number:..............................16. Insurance Number:......................Please keep this form confidential from public to avoid double claiming and contradition over the receiving of your fund. Very important, Lottery rules says that you must be 16 years and above to be able to claim a prize. This is our pre-cautionar measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program .
Thank you for being part of our promotional lottery program.Signed: President Nelson Mandela (chairman)Molefi OLIPHANT (President)Chief Operations OfficerAlbert MOKOENAChief Executive OfficerDanny JORDAAN.Online Co-ordinators.MR.BRIAN HUNTMRS. MISHEL ZUNETMR. GREG KHULN.B/Call our fiduciary agent for your cliam, do not miss thisoppotunity.Thank you for your co-operationRobert MbomaCONGRATULATIONS FROM THE MEMBERS AND STAFF OF INTERACTIVE LOTTERY CONSULTING & THE SOLE COORDINATORS SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL LOTTERY.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Brian Hunt.Online coordinator for ILGC LOTTERY
Sweepstakes International Program.
Dr. P. Swier (CEO), Mr. Gerald Goodman (Manager Foreign Operations), Mr. Franklyn Van Der Weijden (PhD) (Manager Domestic Banking Operations), Mr. Sue Bernard (PhD) (Director International Credit Department), Mrs. Lonni K Moteni (Legal Representative), Mrs. Lyudmyla chukoma(Regional Manager), Mr. Stephen Ndelela (Chairman), Mrs. Christina Moroka(International Relation Officer).Copyright © 1994-2006 The South Africa National Lottery Inc.
All rights reserved. Terms of Service - Guideline77635 476378 255667460
N/B: Any breach of confidentiality on the part of the winners will result to disqualification. Please do not reply to this mailbox herein, kindly contact your DPU Information Officer Mr. Said Sitho;e.
In accordance with the UNIVERSAL STAKES LOTTERY E-games policy and regulations, this notification is dispatched directly to only the lucky consultations prize Winners. This notification also contains information that is proprietary, privileged or confidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the right recipient whose email address attached to the lucky numbers along with the winning information’s you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or disseminate this notice or any part of it.
Click here for the huge list of the names of the currently identified lottery scams companies