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How to Stop Credit Card Offers and Credit Card Fraud - Credit Card Opt Out

How to Opt Out From Credit Card Offers

Every day your mailbox may contain an interesting offer of pre-approved credit or insurance. These offers give you numerous choices and opportunities. However, while millions of Americans welcome these choices, others prefer not to receive such offers.

Your rights as a consumer include the ability to "Opt-Out", which prevents consumer credit reporting companies from using your credit file information for pre-approved offers of credit or insurance. The major consumer credit reporting companies, Equifax, Experian, Innovis and TransUnion are participating in this government-mandated option. Your rights include the right to say, "Please don't send me these offers". Please note: this process may not be used by businesses and  companies to Opt-Out.

If you want to remove your name from lists for pre-approved offers of credit or insurance obtained from these four consumer credit reporting companies, you will need to provide your personal information using the links below. Once you provide your information through this secure Website, your name will be removed from eligibility for pre-approved offer lists provided by all four companies. The information you provide is confidential and will only be used to process your request. You can also complete this process via phone by dialing 888-5-OPT-OUT (888-567-8688).

You may request to Opt-Out from pre-approved offer lists for 5 years or permanently. If you have previously completed a request to Opt-Out and would like to Opt-In, you may also complete your request on this web-site. Even though your request becomes effective with Equifax, Experian, Innovis and TransUnion within five days of your request, you may not see an immediate reduction in the amount of offers you receive. This is because your name may have already been provided to some companies which have not yet mailed their offers to you. Removing your name from these pre-approved lists does not affect your ability to apply for or obtain credit or insurance.

If you opt-out, you will no longer be included in pre-approved offer lists obtained from these four consumer credit reporting companies. However, you may continue to receive commercial mailings based on lists from other sources.

The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) also tracks consumers who prefer not to receive mail or telephone solicitations. The DMA can provide information about opting out of lists produced by companies that subscribe to its Mail and Telephone Preference Services. You may contact the DMA at their website

Opting out will not end solicitations from all local merchants, religious and charitable associations, professional and alumni associations, politicians, and companies with which you conduct business. To eliminate mail from these groups - as well as mail addressed to "occupant" or "resident" - write directly to each source.

To opt-out of pre-approved offers of credit and insurance, you'll be asked to provide your personal information. Please have the following information ready, since you are only allowed 10 minutes to complete this form. This is a secure website and your information will be kept strictly confidential. It is important to provide all of the information so that your request can be accurately fulfilled.

  • Name
  • Address
  • Social Security Number
  • Date of Birth

Click on the link below to go to the website to begin the opt-out process. You will see a page that looks almost identical to this page.  Scroll to the bottom and select which duration of opt-out you want and then follow the prompts.

Start the Opt-Out Sign-up Process
(If a website certificate appears, just click "accept this certificate")