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Were you looking to buy, or sell, English Bulldogs? And that's
when Steve Jayson at "" contacted you about
"Cherry", his "baby", English Bulldog? Just when you think scammers can't sink any lower, you hear
about pet scams. That's right, scammers are now putting advertisements
with photos of cute, usually purebred, English Bulldogs on online selling websites,
like Ebay, CraigsList and in classified ads in newspapers; and/or calling people
who are selling English Bulldogs.
He will even send you cute photos like these (which he undoubtedly stole off a
real listing online somewhere).
Once the scammer talks to his victim, the victim finds out that the scammer wants to send a check that is in excess of the amount, and the scammer wants the victim to wire (via Western Union or Money Gram) the excess to others, using a variety of excuses such as other fees, customs duties, shots, adoption fees, insurance and vaccinations to be paid.
As soon as the money is wired, it is gone, and usually so is the scammer... unless he thinks he can milk the victim for more.
There are a few typical signs of the scam, such as the scammers frequent use of the word "baby" in referring to the puppies. "Just send me the fees and I can send you your babies! Don't you want to see your babies", one scammer wrote to a victim.
But regardless of how it is phrased, we recommend you never buy a pet over the internet, unless the transaction of pet for money occurs in person, at the same moment. Or at least conduct the exchange in person, in a very public place.
Visit your local dog shelter or check the legitimate animal rescue websites for a local puppy!
The victim writes:
I was checking the classifieds in our local newspaper;;;.emailed this person regarding a bulldog for sale.
It's a yahoo account:
I know this is a scam because my son in Ohio received the same pictures etc;..send money for shipping to west africa.
From: Steve Jayson [mailto: ]
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: English Bulldog....Thanks for your interest in my lovely baby,She's still available for a new home.She is 10 weeks and 3 days old, She's AKC & NKC registered and her shots are given up to date.She love playing with kids and other animals,all her papers will accompany her with one year health guarantee, But right now i am in ( New York, Island ) on a tianshi health organization with my wife and we have her right here with us, we are not initially geting rid of her but due to the harsh weather and my missionary work over here so we need to get a good loving and caring home for this cute puppy,and i hope you are also a good christian that will take very good care of our baby.We are going to ship her to you via Express pets delivery on next day delivery after shippment through a shipping agent,I am leaving her for $450 including her shipping fee to your nearest airport.So if you are interested in having her,i want you to get back to me with your (Full Name) ,( Home Address ),( Phone Number ) incl uding your nearest airport to your House. all this information will be use for shipping processing to your location. Please if you know that you are not going to take very good care of my baby do not reply me becuase i am only giving her out becuase we dont have time to take care of her again due to the work before us here. Below i have attached her recent picttures. Await your
response. You can email me right away if there is any other thing you will like. right me back.
May God bless you..................
Best Regards
Steve Jayson.
From: Steve Jayson [mailto: ]
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 9:59 AM
Subject: i have attached her recent pictureHello Krista,
Thanks so much for your interest on my lovely bulldog (Cherry), It is unfortunate that i am giving up my beautiful baby now because of the weather i am presently experiencing here in west Africa the weather is so harsh and i can not keep my puppy here, so that is why i decieded that the best way to show her love is to adopt her back to te State . please i do want someone with love and open heart for pets to have my baby english bulldog puppy , she is very affectionate towards children and other pets with a Current vaccinations, vet exam,full breed, AKC registered, health certificate from a licensed vet and a written guarantee of health( 1yr). resently checked by a licensed Vet Doctor for heart, knees, skin, correct bite, and eyes.
My puppy is 17 lbs,she is 12 weeks and 3days old ,and should eat out of a pan which has a flat bottom and straightsides. use stainless steel because it lasts. i am not giving my puppy for money reason but to a good home where she will be loved and well taking care of and i will be very happy if you can promise me and my family this and also be updating us with her pictures every month.
Do not use plastic either for her food or water. she likes Nylabone and Gummabone toys but Never ever give her a rawhide toy.
So all i am asking for is $250 ( the shipping fee )so once your payment is confirmed the puppy will be shipped to you on the next available flight to you. so email me back for the details you will need for making the payment and also your full contact information, such as your name, address contact phone # and also the nearest airport in your location. thanks and hope to hear back from you as soon as possible, i have attached her recent pictures on this mail.
Best RegardSteve.
From: Steve Jayson [mailto: ]
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 4:02 PM
Subject: RE: i have attached her recent pictureI am so sorry for the late respond, i just got your emails now. Cherry is potty trained and she is a very nice companion to while i am in the State and also here in Nigeria.
Actually you are not making the payment to me, you are paying the shipping company directly because they will be the one to handle all the shipping processing . so all you will have to do now is to get back to with your fullname, address and also the name of the nearest airport in your location. all this information will be use for shipping processing . so get back to me ASAP.