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Phixey Reviews - Cell Phone, Notebook, Laptop warranty service

Phixey: Inexpensive warranty for your electronic devices: It DOES really work!*

Updated for 2025

*Most of the time!  We have directly tested this service, so we can tell you about our experiences.

We first signed up in October 2022, when there were quite literally zero published reviews of the service, save one lone blank review of Phixey on TrustPilot (which, oddly, is listed as both 3.2 stars AND 1-star), with no text to explain why the reviewer gave it 1one star.  Which makes it pretty useless as reviews go.

Stuart Varney interviewed a top executive of Phixey in September 2022 on Varney and Company on Fox Business. Phixey offers a very inexpensive service to warranty cell phones, laptops, notebook computers, tablets, etc.

The Bottom Line

If you meet the conditions we describe in the conclusion section below, this is an excellent service!

The cost

About $20/year as of August 2024 for cell phones, $30/year for tablets and laptops. It refers to itself as a "membership club" with a network of technicians throughout the country.

Note: if you do decide to sign up with , enter the referral code Phixey2023 and you will get 20% off! (We don't get anything from the referral, but it does save you some money!)

The service offers:

They say they will repair damage, cracked screens, etc.  Their website says:

Receive a free repair on your device with no deductible. Our technician can give you quality in-store repairs, or we'll save you the trip to the repair store and come to you

Limitations and fine print

  1. Waiting period: There is a 60 day waiting period for the free repairs after you sign up and enter the ID for each of your devices.
  2. One repair per year: The fine print simply says "One FREE REPAIR per year". There is no further explanation. What if a cracked screen AND a battery that won't charge at the same time?
  3. No replacement, if it cannot be repaired: The Phixey FAQs page says "If a device cannot be repaired, we will not replace it.".  Who and how is it defined whether the device can be repaired?  Is there a cost ceiling? What if one technician says it cannot be fixed, but another could do it? There appears to be no list or explanation of what defines "cannot be repaired".  This is concerning. It implies that they will only repair trivial, easy, inexpensive damage.
  4. Dead batteries: Unknown. It depends whether they consider a battery that will not hold a charge a "broken phone.  It is not at all clear from their website.

How well does Phixey work?

2 years in to our testing, we can now report that Phixey for most people is well worth the cost.  There are limitations and caveats, of course.  So, here is the good and the not so good:


Phone repairs

We took 2 covered phones in for repair, one Apple iPhone, one Android Samsung Galaxy S8.One phone had a cracked screen and a old battery that did not charge so well, the other just had an old battery. After entering the info on the Phixey website, they instructed us to take them to a local repair shop. The shop repaired both phones within 2 hours and we collected them, with no fees.

Both have continued to work well, so we give this a 5-star rating for phones.



 We submitted a claim for a 5 year old Dell Latitude touchscreen.  The screen had blotches in all four corners that made it unusable, unless connected to an external monitor. Phixey sent us to the same repair shop as for the phones.

After many days, then weeks of waiting and many calls, the repair shop told us they could not locate a replacement touchscreen, and therefore they could not repair it.  Under Phixey's terms and conditions, when the repair shop cannot complete a repair, for whatever reason, that is then end of it.  You get no compensation. so we have a laptop which can only be used when connected to a monitor. In this case, the warranty was worthless.



When NOT to get the Phixey warranty

If your device is either:

  • Very old,
  • Very uncommon (few were sold)
  • A very unusual or complicated model or design, or
  • There simply aren't spare parts available... or
  • You live in a remote area or some place that has no Phixey repair affiliates.

Then it is unlikely to be repaired and the warranty makes no sense for you.


When it makes sense to get the Phixey warranty:

If you have:

  • A popular or commonly sold model cell phone, tablet or laptop, and
  • The device is not a very unusual design or model, and
  •  it is not very old (which generally means less than 5 years old), AND
  • You can confirm that the likely replacement parts needed are still being sold, AND
  • You can find a Phixey repair location in an area near enough to you to be feasible to go to. (Check on the Phixey website)

Then this is likely a GREAT deal!

Note: if you do decide to sign up with , enter the referral code Phixey2023 and you will get 20% off!


Before you sign up, Google the make and model of your device and include "replacement parts". Confirm that the parts which are most likely to become damaged or fail (like a screen, keypad, battery, etc) are still being sold. They may be on eBay, Amazon, the manufacturer's website, or elsewhere.

 If you have any experience with Phixey to share, please write us!